Pierre Huyghe Art 21

Pierre Huyghe expresses his art through many different medias such as music, puppet shows, and a small town parade. Huyghe replicated his journey through Antartica in New York City and uses an orchestra to create a musical score based off the shape of the arctic island. Huyghe is not traditional when you think of an artist because instead of painting or photographing his journey through Antartica, he replicates it in the middle of a big city in order too "bring back some myth and create a zone of non-knowledge". He wants people to question if he was ever there or if he ever saw what he was replicating. Huyghe also created a puppet show that was an ironic parable about the symmetry between both Le Corbusier and himself when being commissioned. Again Huyghe doesn't take the traditional route when creating art and instead shows how art can be interpreted through other medias like puppet shows. Huyghe created a celebration in a small town with the idea that everyone has a need for nature in common. He said that he is only "interested in setting up or producing a reality and only then documenting that reality". This made up reality could be documented by photographs but instead is documented by a video, most likely to better convey the reality that Huyghe created.


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